Women’s Cycling Profiles: Asja Paladin

Asja Paladin

Date of Birth: 27th September 1994
Nationality: Italian
Team: Casa Dorada
Former Teams: Valcar & Top Girls Fassa Bartolo
Career Achievements:
7th – GC Giro Toscana (2013)
8th GC Giro del Trentino (2016)
10th – Stage Emakumeen Bira (2017), GC Tour de l’Ardeche (2016), National Championships Road Race (2015)
12th – GC Giro delle Marche (2019)
13th – 2x Stage Giro Rosa (2018 & 2014)
14th – Fleche Wallonne (2018)

Who taught you how to ride a bike & how old were you?

My parents taught me how to ride because they have always had this passion. When I was a child I was curious to try this sport and I love it immediately. I started my cyclist career when I was 6 years old. One life on the bike ????

What was your first ‘proper’ road bike & what colour was it?

My first bike was a blue Pinarello and I wore always a pink helmet.

What’s the most important piece of kit/advice that has helped boost your performance?

The most important advice that has always helped me in my performance is “never give up”. I think if you do your best, before or afterwards, you obtain your goals. There are always difficult moments when you can fall down, but a champion is someone who always rises up, stronger than before

What’s your favourite routes/places to ride?

My favourite places to ride are the mountains near my home. I live in North Italy and I think here there are a lot of amazing places to enjoy the bike.

What tips do you have to keep the love of cycling going amidst all the training?

I always try to take a moment to relax with the bike. Not only doing workouts in a training week. But also a day where you can enjoy the bike in all its beauty. When you can admire the landscape without stress and you can be at peace with yourself and at one with nature.

What experiences are still to do on your cycling ‘bucket list’?

In my “bucket list” I have the dream to travel around the world with my bike. I want to do a lot of bike packing. Because the emotion that the bike gives you is something special.

Ah, another thing.. in my bucket list there is also a goal to train the next young rider category of cyclists. Now, when I have some time, I follow a little team from my city and I really enjoy it!

Thanks for reading about Asja Paladin โ€“ more Womenโ€™s Cycling Profiles can be found here