Race 1 – The Woolly Mamil Winter Series – Stourport Circuit

Stourport Circuit

I’ve ridden a lot this winter so wanted to get the hump of the first race out of the way as soon as I could. The Woolly Mamil winter series at Stourport seemed a good start. There were many firsts, I’d never been on a proper cycling circuit before, first British Cycling race for proper points, first time representing a club, first potential sprint finish and so on – the number one aim, don’t get dropped!

Woolly Mamil Series #1 Race

I took up position on the start line behind the first row of riders. Not wanting to zoom off straight to the front and having to pull the bunch along for the full 35 minutes + 5 laps. The first few laps were spent getting used to the speed and the circuit. Working out how fast you could realistically go in the corners. Also making sure that I stayed somewhere in the front half of the bunch to avoid the sapping concertina effect. Once the bunch looked like it was about to snap in half with me the wrong side of it but a short sprint rectified that.

The race settled down and followed a familiar pattern. 3 Worcester St John’s riders decided to work as a proper team. Sending one person zooming ahead with the other two sitting up at the front. I sprinted after the attacker the first time this happened, as I was on his wheel, but left all the other chases to other people. Learning from this display that 4th Cat riders don’t stay off the front alone in the Woolly Mamil series.

I sat around the 3rd-6th wheel of the bunch for most of this section of the race. As the last lap bell sounded, I fell back as the pace quickened up the hill and the top hairpin. I bust a gut trying to get back up the line. I’d tucked in again before reaching the clubhouse hairpin and was back at around 5th wheel. Annoyingly though, this appeared to be my last effort. I was unable to go with everyone else out of the hairpin and could only watch the bunch. I was now a couple of bike lengths off the back going into the final corners. With no one behind me, I relaxed and took my placing which was 14th.

I was frustrated by the result because I’d been upfront nearly the whole race. Only to end up with nothing to show for it because of hitting empty two corners from the end. I only needed to be 1% stronger or 1% smarter and I’d have picked up a point or two.

On reflection, I achieved my aim of finishing in the bunch. I’d also featured near the front for most of the race. Maybe more to eat nearer to the race start and conserving more energy in the bunch. Also, stop thinking everyone is going to disappear once they go off the front. I should have enough to get a result in the next Woolly Mamil race.

(Woolly Mamil #1 Result: 14th out of 40)

Stourport on Severn Woolly Mamil Series 1 18th Jan 2014
Stourport on Severn Woolly Mamil Series 1 18th Jan 2014