Food Fridays with Leah Kirchmann | NamedSport lemon blueberry protein pancakes


Leah Kirchmannโ€™s NamedSport lemon blueberry protein pancakes: 

For Food Friday this week, I decided to try out a new recipe for protein pancakes! Protein plays an important role in recovery, helping your muscles repair and replenish themselves from the damage caused by training. Alison agreed that these little protein powerhouse pancakes were the perfect recovery food after her gym workout at the Keep Challenging Center in Sittard.

Ingredients (makes 20 small pancakes):

50g Named Sport Creamy Protein 80 Blueberry Flavour
100g oat flakes
200g cottage cheese
3 eggs
1 tsp lemon zest
2 tsp honey
125g plain low-fat yogurt

Fresh berries and bananas to serve


  • Mix protein powder, oats, cottage cheese, eggs, lemon zest, honey and yogurt in a blender or food processor.
  • Heat a pan over medium heat and add a small amount of butter or oil. Spoon batter into pan. Brown pancakes on both sides, flipping halfway through to finish cooking.
  • Top with fresh fruit, and some maple syrup to serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional informationPer 100 gPer Portion (37.8 g)
Energy (Kcal)169 kcal64 kcal
Carbohydrates15.5 g5.9 g
Protein15.3 g5.8 g
