Rally Cycling Athletes in Isolation


Isolation has been tough for us all. It upended livelihoods, schedules, and goals with no clear answers. It has forced many of us to re-think our habits and adjust to new conditions.

As a team, we wanted to show the world what we learned about ourselves, what’s important to us, and how we learned to cope during this challenging global pandemic.

From the gardeners to the engine tinkerers, the homebrewers to the at-home-astrophysicists, the music-players to the jigsaw-puzzlers, the film shows bike racers as you’ve never seen them.

Bike racing is on the horizon again for the first time in five months. As we prepare, we are cautiously optimistic and forever focused on the safety of our athletes and staff.

Rally Cycling extends a big thank you to Rally Health, UnitedHealth Group, and all of the team’s amazing partners and fans for rolling with us through this unprecedented time.

See you at the races,

Rally Cycling
