All of the host towns and cities for the 2023 LOTTO Thüringen Ladies Tour are now known. The race is due to take place between May 23 and May 28th 2023. The 35th edition of the LOTTO Thüringen Ladies Tour will begin in Schleiz, with the team presentation and the race start taking place on the Schleizer Dreieck street circuit for its 100th anniversary. The course has seen motorsport throughout its history but is actually public roads as well.
The following days sees the peloton visit Gera, Schmölln, Gotha and Schmalkalden, with the 6-day race finishing in Mühlhausen on May 28th. The total route encompasses around 650km of racing. The final, exact route is being finalised in cooperation with the host cities and will be available once known. For now, we can make do with knowing where the LOTTO Thüringen Ladies Tour will be taking place.
“I am very pleased. I think we have once again succeeded in creating an attractive and athletically selective route for the best cyclists in the world and at the same time in uniting the diversity and scenic beauty of the Free State of Thüringen in our tour. All cities have given our talks great support from the start and are helping us to offer the booming women’s cycling a big stage again.”
Vera Hohlfeld, director of the LOTTO Thüringen Ladies Tour.
Alex Manly won the 2022 edition of the race, with 4 stage wins along the way as well.
LOTTO Thüringen Ladies Tour 2023 at a glance
Tuesday, May 23rd: 1st stage, around Schleiz, team presentation beforehand
Wednesday, May 24th: 2nd stage, around Gera
Thursday, May 25: 3rd stage, around Schmölln
Friday, May 26: Stage 4, Around Gotha
Saturday, May 27: 5th stage, around Schmalkalden
Sunday, May 28: Stage 6, around Mühlhausen