Women’s Cycling Profiles: Jana Dobbelaere

Jana Dobbelaere StarCasino CX Cyclocross

Date of Birth: 3rd April 1986
Nationality: Belgian
Team: StarCasino CX
Former Teams: Oost Vlaanderen, Kleur Op Maat BNS Technics
Career Achievements:
5th – Essen Cross (2021)
6thArdooie Cross (2021)
8th – Gullegem Cross (2022)
9th – Milnthorpe Cross (2021)

Who how old were you when you started riding?

When I was a child I did a lot of rides with my parents in the summer but never on a race bike.

What was your first ‘proper’ road bike & what colour was it?

I loved to look at cyclocross races on TV and so I decided when I was 18 to buy a cyclocross bike. It was an aluminium Ridley in grey and white.

What tips do you have to keep the love of cycling going amidst all the training?

In the beginning, I was really bad but then I started to work with a trainer because I had a running background and no cycling family it was difficult to know what to do. In the beginning, I was happy with a ride of 30km.

What experiences are still to do on your cycling ‘bucket list’?

I love to ride in the mountains! I would like to ride a world championship but also I want to learn how to bunny hop.

Thanks for reading about Jana Dobbelaere โ€“ more Womenโ€™s Cycling Profiles can be found here