Segafredo Zanetti sat down with Ellen (virtually) to share a coffee and a chat.
What’s your morning ritual?
I’m not a real morning person, but I found out that I do feel better when I get out of bed and do something straight away. Usually, I make breakfast first: oats or a smoothie. Afterward, I do my activation exercises and start training. When I’m home with my boyfriend, it’s a bit more challenging to begin training early. Breakfast takes longer, and we often take ‘one more coffee’.
How do you like your coffee?
Usually, I drink American-style from my coffee machine with a grinder. I like cappuccinos too, but only with soya milk. I love to have a little chocolate with my coffee. Most of the time, Lindt 85%, but sometimes I’ll have a bit of Tony’s Chocolonely Caramel Sea Salt.
How many coffees do you have before a race?
I normally take two coffees before the race: one with breakfast and one just before the start.
Favorite companion for a coffee ride?
My boyfriend, Benjamin. But I like to alternate between people, so I exchange different stories. My teammates are in a good second place. (laughs)

What is for you a “coffee ride”?
I like to start the ride a little later than usual and ride a loop of about 1 – 1.5 hours, then find a nice place to sit in the sun (I like to try different places as much as possible), and afterward, I like to be back home in less than 30min.
How much has your daily life changed in these hard times and without the prospect of imminent racing?
By now, I have found a good new routine. I’m training as I would typically in December/January: base training with good structure. I’m working on my strength, the TT, and also my weaknesses. It took me a little while to realize I really had to change my mindset regarding my training regime, and that I had to let go of a bit of form.
It’s more relaxed at the moment with some more time for other things and a little bit more wine. Lately, I follow the news more closely. It’s horrifying what’s happening in the whole world because of the virus, and for sure it will have a big impact for a long time. I realize there are many people hit by this crisis in different ways. I really feel for them, especially the ones I know personally. I feel very fortunate with my personal circumstances and try to make the best of it.
How do you invest your free time at home?
Normally, I feel like I don’t have that much free time at home, but since I’m home longer now, I found out that I really like to work in the garden. I also like to think about the interior of my house, and there are many things I need to organize and tidy up. I like to cook and try new récipes, so I have been doing that a bit more, and in the evening we often watch a movie on the couch. In normal times, I like to go out for dinner or a coffee, but so far, I haven’t been bored at home yet – too many unfinished projects!