Here is the new Valcar – Travel & Service 2022 jersey, the debut at the Vuelta Comunitat Valenciana Féminas is approaching

Ecco la nuova maglia della Valcar – Travel & Service 2022, si avvicina il debutto alla Vuelta Comunitat Valenciana Féminas

Everything is ready for the start of the new competitive season of Valcar – Travel & Service with the team headed by Davide Arzeni and Enrico Campolunghi, ready to debut in Spain at the Vuelta CV Féminas on February 6, a race that Chiara Consonni won last year.

At the starting line of the new season, the Orobica team will present itself with the new GSG signed shirt and will be preparing to experience an international team season with athletes from all over the world.

“We will keep our attention towards young Italian women and at the same time we will open ourselves to the world – comments the president Valentino Villa – this is to guarantee our sponsors and those who want to invest in our project a worldwide visibility.”

A worldwide visibility that will be guaranteed also thanks to the participation in the most important races of the World Tour; for example, Valcar – Travel & Service will be the only Italian team – both men and women – to have been invited to the Paris – Roubaix.

Many new faces of the Orobic formation; in recent weeks the arrival of the Canadian Olivia Baril, the Polish Karolina Kumi? ga and the three Italian Anastasia Carbonari, Carlotta Cipressi and Emma Redaelli has been announced. These athletes will be added to the confirmed Alice Maria Arzuffi, Chiara Consonni, Eleonora Gasparrini, Silvia Persico, Federica Piergiovanni, Elena Pirrone, Ilaria Sanguineti, Lizzie Stannard and Margaux Vigié with Miriam Vece who will run exclusively the track races.

Furthermore, collaborating with Road to Equality, chaired by Alessandra Cappellotto, Valcar – Travel & Service will also be committed at a social level and will give the opportunity to four Afghan athletes – Fariba, Yoldoz, Nooria and Zhara – to undertake a path of professional growth thanks to supervised by Maurizio Dal Santo.

“These girls have had a dramatic past – explains Valentino Villa – for this reason they will follow a specific path with due attention. The goal is to do something useful to fulfill their dream of being able to compete at the highest levels in the future. ”

The real strength of Valcar-Travel & Service has always been the care of the youth sector. The girls of the junior women category will be Giorgia Bertoni, Serena Brillante Romeo, Martina Carrara, Sofia Dognini, Marta Pavesi and Francesca Pellegrini. Their d.s. will be Andrea Manzini.

The new d.s. in the beginners and students category is Alessandro Ferrari with the support of Ermanno Perletti under the supervision of Andrea Manzini. The female students category will be composed of Misia Belotti, Lucia Brillante Romeo, Giulia Limonta, Giorgia Manzini, Emma Viscardi and Giulia Zambelli. The rookies will instead be Maria Acuti, Viola Barbieri, Nadia Camoni, Martina De Vecchi, Ilaria Gritti, Sofia Pezzotta, Valentina Ravelli and Carlotta Ronchi.
