Lotto Dstny Ladies completes 2023 line-up by focusing on development

Lotto Soudal Ladies

Lotto Soudal Ladies will join their male counterparts in taking on the Dstny name in 2023. Formerly one of the strongest teams in women’s cycling, they’ve been on a bit of a downward spiral ever since their funding was heavily reduced. You only have to go back to 2020 to see star Lotte Kopecky on the team and even last year there were still plenty of solid riders on the team. Big names like Ashleigh Moolman-Pasio, Lizzie Deignan, Jolien d’Hoore, and Emma Pooley have all passed through the Lotto team. As of 2022, they have now tilted fully into developing Belgian talent and handed over the reins of the best Belgian women’s team to the likes of Plantur-Pura and AG Insurance-NXTG.

“To reduce the step from the juniors to the pros among the women, we deliberately opted for a different strategy at the end of last year. We have opted for the development of young talent, both from Belgium and abroad.

Next year, the aim is to build on the foundation we have laid this year. The riders who stay with the team have an extra year of experience and we have also signed some reinforcements,”

Kurt van de Wouwer, Lotto Dstny Ladies team manager

New signings include Fauve Bastiaenssen, Julie Hendrickx, Julie Nicolaes, Julie Sap, Wilma Aintila, Mette Egtoft Jensen and Quinty van de Guchte.

Lotto Dstny Ladies 2023 Roster

  • Fauve Bastiaenssen
  • Julie Hendrickx
  • Julie Nicolaes
  • Julie Sap
  • Wilma Aintila
  • Mette Egtoft Jensen
  • Quinty van de Guchte
  • Mieke Docx
  • Kristyna Burlova
  • Katrijn de Clercq
  • Mijntje Geurts
  • Esmée Gielkens
  • Nicole Maria Sigmund
  • Ines van de Paar
  • Sterre Vervloet