#BackToBasics: What are the best pre, during and post snacks?

#BackToBasics: What are the best pre, during and post snacks?

Sun 24 May 2020

It’s all about the food. Fuelling is key, and why not do it in the most enjoyable way? We asked our riders about their favourite foods for pre, during and post ride for Part 4 of our #BackToBasics series. Warning – do not read on an empty stomach, will cause hunger!

Follow the full #BackToBasics series In celebration of our return to training outdoors and in the lead up to World Bicycle Day on June. Previous releases: 

Part 4: What is your favourite food pre, during and post ride?

Jack Haig:
Pre-ride: Avocado on toast with poached eggs.
During: Some kind of cake or sweet biscuit to go with a coffee.
Post-ride: Frozen banana smoothies or cold water melon if it’s been a hot day.

Edoardo Affini: Difficult question because I like literally everything but I will try.
Pre-ride: Eggs and a good bowl of porridge.
During: Rice cakes (or any other cake).
Post: Especially when is hot I really like to have some fresh fruit or a smoothie. 

Jessica Allen:
Pre-ride: Porridge or overnight oats.
During: Homemade rice cakes, homemade banana bread, jam sandwich.
Post-ride: Banana smoothie.

Kaden Groves:
Pre and post ride: Favourite would be eggs and avocado on toast, can’t beat it! 
During: I’m a sucker for a muffin and coffee. 

Brent Bookwalter:
Pre-ride: Pancakes, eggs, bacon, coffee. 
During: Homemade granola bars or banana bread. 
Post-ride: Burrito 

Moniek Tenniglo:
Pre-ride: A nice oat bowl or sandwiches.
During: SIS Protein bar and bananas.
Post-ride: SIS chocolate protein powder mixed with some oats, a banana and water, heated in the microwave (=cake!).

Cam Meyer:
Pre-ride: Oats, granola and berries.
During: Oat slice.
Post-ride: Scrambled eggs on toast with feta, avocado, salt and pepper with my SIS Whey Protein Shake.

Nick Schultz:
Pre-ride: I’m a big fan of toast with Peanut Butter and Jam in the morning.
During: Muffins on the bike
Post-ride: A big bowl of Chocolate Cruesli and Greek yogurt when I get home
(This isn’t my daily nutrition intake, but we’re talking about an ideal world right!?)

Sarah Roy:
Pre-ride: Banana oats with cinnamon and almond butter mixed through.
During: SIS choc fudge energy bar or homemade banana bread or even the good old peanut butter and jam sandwich.
Post-ride: Poached eggs on sourdough toast.

Luka Mezgec:
Pre-ride: Bread, butter, raspberry jam and raspberry tea
During: Twix and Kit Kat
Post: Haribo 

Sam Bewley:
Pre-ride: Depending on the session but most commonly I like eggs on toast in the morning. During: Again depends on the session. On a hard day I might have some SIS gels with me, other days it’s a Mars Bar and coke or a sandwich at the cafe.
Post-ride: After training I’ll always have a sandwich…I think I’ve had a sandwich every day for the last 32yrs. But….sometimes you have to have rice or pasta. 

Annemiek van Vleuten:
Pre-ride: Homemade bircher muesli (from oats + soy milk + apple + blueberries on top)
During: Bananas, homemade banana bread with ‘Koek en speculaas kruiden’ ( a Dutch blend of Kardemom, cinnamon, etc)’ and blue berries. I also like a wrap I make myself with chicken inside to get also some proteins during the ride.
Post-ride: Smoothie bowl with 1 scoop of SIS vanilla recovery powder + frozen blue berries/frozen strawberries/frozen bananas + some fresh ginger => in the blender and on top some raw cacao, bio apple chips, granola, slices banana, fresh raspberries… LOVE IT! Something I learned to eat in Adelaide. Still make it myself.


Mathew Mitchell
Mathew Mitchellhttp://procyclinguk.com
My name is Mathew Mitchell, 30-something from Staffordshire, UK. Over the last few years, I've got more and more into cycling, from the first innocent Sportive events to Audaxes, Go-Races, British Cycling racing, Time Trials and now Cyclocross.

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